Sunday, February 6, 2011


Well, I successfully charted my visits with Foursquare for a week or two.  I think I may have even been Mayor of Jimmy Johns. After one check in (Chili's) I was told by Foursquare that another person had just checked in.  I looked up and a girl matching the picture was waiting to be seated.  That was sort of strange.  My husband wasn't thrilled because it kept putting my location onto my FB account.  I couldn't figure out how to stop it from doing that so, to put him at ease during his deployment, I deleted my Foursquare acct. :(  It was fun while it lasted.
On to February...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lifelong Learning video

The biggest obstacle on the list of 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners for me is #1: Begin with the end in mind.  I have no big goal that I'm reaching for.  I enjoy learning and simply want to participate in as many classes as time will allow.  It's certainly not going to be as easy as I initially thought considering the difficulty I'm having just maneuvering within this blog sight.  I vaguely knew what a blog was but have never attempted to participate in one or create one of my own.  This should prove interesting...and fun!